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Lubricating oil for stage electric hoists should be kept away from impurities

  • 2023-12-08

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Lubricating oil for stage electric hoists should be kept away from impurities

As is well known, the lubricating oil used to lubricate the stage electric hoist must be kept clean in order to achieve its true lubrication performance. Once impurities appear in the lubricating oil, it will have the opposite effect. Therefore, we should first fully understand what factors can cause impurities in the lubricating oil of the stage electric hoist?

Some staff members do not properly seal the stage electric hoist when using lubricating oil to lubricate it, resulting in dust or debris penetrating into the interior of the stage electric hoist along with the lubricating oil. Alternatively, during the operation of the stage electric hoist, metal debris peeled off by friction between components is mixed into the lubricating oil, and these debris or solid particles seep into the interior of the stage electric hoist with the lubricating oil, Accelerated the wear of its internal components.

So it is necessary to do a good job in sealing the stage electric hoist, and regularly clean the stage electric hoist to ensure the cleanliness of the lubricating oil.