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Brief Explanation :

The braking principle of a chain hoist

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The braking principle of a chain hoist

In daily operations, lifting and lowering objects cannot be separated from braking, and automatic braking is required. This is due to the functioning of the braking system, which includes brake components such as pawls, ratchets, brake seats, and the installation of friction plates for manual hoists. In order to facilitate later maintenance and deepen understanding of the hoist, the braking principles for various situations are introduced.

1. Rise

Strictly speaking, the braking component also includes the hand chain wheel, because the brake cannot be separated from its coordination. When performing the lifting operation, pulling the hand chain wheel will press it into a whole with other braking parts and rotate together. As can be seen from the above figure, clockwise rotation of the hand chain wheel will not cause the pawl to jam, thus achieving smooth lifting.

2. Raise to a certain height and brake

When pulling a heavy object to a certain height and stopping, due to the influence of gravity, the long axis will definitely reverse and cause the object to fall. However, at this time, the ratchet will reverse and be stuck by the pawl, causing the heavy object to stop.

3. Decline

Through step 2, it can be known that the pawl is stuck and the ratchet is locked. When we start pulling the chain in reverse to make the handwheel reverse and lower, there will be a certain gap, the braking force will decrease, and the friction plate will slip. At this point, the ratchet does not rotate when descending, so even if the pawl is stuck, it does not work, only the friction plate and brake seat are rotating.

4. Descend to a certain level of braking

When the chain stops pulling when it reaches a certain position, the various components will be compressed into a whole again, and the ratchet will resume working and rotate again. The pawl will catch the ratchet and produce a braking effect again, forcing the heavy object to stop.