Electric hoists represent their own machinery, strength, and toughness, while the stage is elegant, flowing, and soft, with conflicts and collisions between the two.

Advanced Motor Electric stage Crane


Brief Explanation :

Unstable external voltage can cause the chain hoist to be unable to lift heavy objects properly

Category : V7 Stage Electric Series

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Unstable external voltage can cause the chain hoist to be unable to lift heavy objects properly

For some users, especially new users, they will encounter various problems in the first few uses of the chain hoist, including many common sense problems. For example, a netizen in Shanghai reported that their newly purchased 1-ton chain hoist cannot lift 600kg of goods. The newly purchased one should eliminate its own fault problem, which is likely caused by unstable voltage.

When the chain hoist is in operation, if the voltage at the end of the lifting motor is 10% or more lower than the rated voltage, due to the speed of starting, it will cause the chain hoist to be unable to lift heavy objects, resulting in the chain hoist not working properly. When the goods cannot be lifted normally, we can use a multimeter to test the input voltage of the chain hoist motor. If the voltage is really low, we can only wait for the voltage to recover before proceeding with the operation.

It can be seen that this fault is not caused by the quality problem of the chain hoist itself. Therefore, as users, we should learn more about the frequent faults of the chain hoist in order to avoid the phenomenon of seeking medical treatment without illness.